Trudeau Out: The Saga

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pledged to resign as Liberal Party leader and Prime Minister and announced that he would not be seeking re-election for his riding in Montreal “none of this is particularly surprising in light of Trudeau’s recent unpopularity.”

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The Politics of Distrust: Anti-Intellectualism as Laying the Groundwork for Populist Revolution

The ever-expanding tide of populist discourse and behaviour casts a shadow over the political landscape of the 21st century. This unquestionable swell of populist sentiment among national leaders has increasingly converged with another ideological weapon: anti-intellectualism. Defined loosely as an “opposition or hostility to intellectual reasoning,” this ethos has rapidly spread across the west, and has been purposefully cultivated within the American electorate. Specifically, issues such as government response to Covid-19, global climate change, and immigration reform have been brought to the forefront of political debate, only to be engaged with in bad faith for political triumph in the country’s ongoing “culture war.” This article will examine the campaign and general approach of populist leader President Donald J. Trump. This will be done through the lens of this dual-weapon strategy and the use of concepts issued from the works of Hannah Arendt.

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An Optimistic Look at the Diplomatic Landscape Inherited by Trump

The United States’ position has shifted greatly since 2017, in many ways stronger than it has been in more than a decade. The Biden administration is handing off a historically strong economy, with among the highest growth rates in the developed world in which the US has maintained its lead in technology, and a promising international landscape in which the U.S. possesses the upper hand in negotiations with enemies and allies alike.

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The War on Bike Lanes

Ontario Provincial Bill 212 became law. The bill imposed new requirements on municipalities, mandating them to seek provincial approval for new cycling infrastructure. While provinces possess constitutional authority over municipalities, conventionally they do not interfere in municipal affairs, making this bill controversial. 

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