Doug Ford was booed at the Special Olympics ceremony on May 15 but wasn’t too bothered since they’re “just a bunch of lefties anyways.” Ford took the jeers in stride, telling MJPSatire that “being booed by the lefties is more of a compliment than being applauded by my fans.”
The Ontario Premier added that “that’s the first event I’ve ever had some boos.” Commentators were quick to point out that at a 2014 mayoral debate at the Tanenbaum Community Hebrew Academy, Ford was booed for invoking “my Jewish doctor, my Jewish dentist, my Jewish lawyer, my Jewish accountant,” in defence of allegations of anti-semitism against his late brother Mayor Rob Ford.
This piece is part of the MJPS Satire section. Although potentially based on true events, it is not intended to accurately portray reality. Opinions expressed through this article are solely those of the author and do not reflect the position of the McGill Journal of Political Studies or the Political Science Students’ Association.
Featured image by Lauren Hill